Much has been written about the imagination. We all came with one as part of our original factory equipment from the realm of Spirit & Source.
My questions then come down to these:
What percentage of our human kind actively use it on a regular basis, and, for what positive empowering and enriching purpose? How many of us own an imagination that serves us as a well-oiled smooth running instrument? How many of us allow the furnace of our imagination to dwindle, die out, then turn cold, becoming a haven for cobwebs and dust?
Think of your imagination as your personal laboratory. The place where all of your prototype projects and actions are assembled. If you possess an actor’s mindset, then think of it as the stage whereupon the dress rehearsals of your life’s play are originated, developed and cast. If cooking is one of your passions then your personal laboratory might be thought of as a mixing bowl. All ideas first begin in the mixing bowl. A blend of ingredients and spice. The mixture is then baked. With luck your results is then pulled from the oven hot and tempting, ready to be served; to be put into action.
New ideas and concepts must have a source or point of origin. The imagination is that workshop in which dreams are conceived. They are then road tested and tweaked through visualization before being released to your common ever day brain.
We all came with this extraordinary gift to be used for the positive betterment of ourselves and in the service of those around us. No other form of life on our planet that we know of possesses internal imagination software like us. Plenty of instinctive animal behaviors such as herding, gathering and flocking. All based upon genetic and cellular memory rather than springing from an individual imagination.
Your imagination: the wellspring from which inspiring ideas flow that can transform your life in an instant along with those around you. How did you apply yours today? Do you have the courage to test it to its limits?
Jeff Dodson
September 21st 2011
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