Thursday, November 26, 2015

Return From The Sidelines

It’s been awhile.
Just over 8 months actually.  Drawn away from writing and blogging out of necessity.

First came retirement in April. That was a good thing.

Daily life now on my own terms rather than those of a corporate entity.

In June then, just a month and a half in, the challenge arose of providing caregiving attention to a sick relative  who lives some 60 miles away. We gladly dusted off our caregiver banners and stepped up to lend a hand. That took us up through the month of October.

We have also been emerged in cleaning, repairing and rejuvenating our Elk Grove home in preparation to selling it. (Too much home to contend along with running up and down stairs every day).

While engaged in getting the Elk Grove home ready to sell, we have also been working nearly every day cleaning, refurbishing and clearing out the clutter and 60+ years of accumulated stuff at our new home, which is Penny’s parents old house.

Over 14 truckloads of junk taken to the local dump between the two homes along with dozens of deliveries to the local Goodwill of worn out items, home furnishings and clothing well past their prime.

The cleaning, repairing and rejuvenating of both of our homes has also provided us with an opportunity to heal and bind up the wounds of sorrow and the effects of stress we endured as caregivers to our parents over the past 11 plus years. Call it caregiver therapy. Self-administered and oh so timely.

The end of all this is close at hand and we look forward to wrapping up the sale of our  other home then settle down for the Christmas holidays. Thank Goodness!

Taking up the writing and blogging mantle again is positive therapy for me and provides an outlet to dig into and investigate various topics. It’s my return from the sidelines and getting up off of the bench…so to speak.

I’m glad to be writing again!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Jeff Dodson
November 26th 2015