Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Your Own Internal I-Phone

I-Pads, I-Phones, PDA’s, Droids and Blackberry’s, are just some of the amazing and wildly popular gadgets that provide us with access to the voices and thoughts of friends, family and work.

Prior to the planned release of each new product, there are video teasers, buzz and hype: all generated to ensure a pent up demand for the product. Folks then will themselves to stand in line for hours or even camp out for a shot at being one of the first to take ownership of one of these marvels.

The rush is then on, via one of these devices, to connect, re-connect, or to stay connected externally with others in faster, more colorful, or more adaptive ways.

But what of that internal high-speed wireless extrasensory device we all came equipped with when we arrived here? I’m referring here to what has come to be known as our own inner voice. That inner voice is your original equipment manufacturers perpetual intranet connection between your Spirit and that higher power we associate with a Universal Divinity.

What if we changed the way we viewed the manner in which we stay connected?

On the one hand, we have our very popular external man-made physical products. We crave them because of what they allow us to do. On the other hand, we were all born with a capacity, a gift which we mostly ignore, that offers us a connection. How might are lives be different, perhaps enhanced and enriched if we chose to assign a higher priority to focusing on and consistently accessing that inner voice? That inner voice is our own very unique and personal guidance signal, that once locked onto, will unfailingly serve to guide each of us upon the path we were all meant to follow before we came here.

Learn to tune into and follow that inner voice. Eliminate all of the external noise and visual distractions you allow yourself to be bombarded with. Make an affirmative effort to seek out or create quiet times to zero in on it’s frequency. That voice speaks to you as a soft whisper.

We all were equipped with this feature at birth. In my humble opinion, perhaps one hundred out of every 10,000 people know how to both tune in to their inner voice and willfully follow it’s directives. It is simply connecting with our spiritual selves, to follow and match up our personalities, behaviors and goals with the life’s work that we came here to do.

Choose now and choose today to reestablish your connection with your own private and spiritual I-Phone! You will never hear that inner voice proclaim things like: server error, unable to establish a connection, or, too many requests due to high volume, try again later.

Jeff Dodson
June 30th 2010

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